Category Archives: Summer Programs

Summer Program Registration Online!

We look forward to seeing everyone this summer. It is always hard to think about the summer when the weather is chilly and the horses are still wearing winter blankets….but we are excited to have our own foals arrive and be surrounded by green grass and trees with foliage. Check out our Summer Programs Page for details and the link to register. At this point, we are also anticipating a WNE-PHA Horse Show on July 27.

See you at the 4th of July Parade!

April Vacation Program

Tuesday, April 18 through Friday, April 21 – 9am to 3pm. *** DAILY OPTION ADDED to registration.
Come join us for four days and tune up your riding or learn to ride! Ideally, this program is for students with stamina, 8 years and up. Daily lessons and horsemanship skills will consume our days, but be sure to pack your lunch and bring a water bottle and get ready for some fun. Mud boots along with paddock boots and helmet are needed. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER or use the form below. The session is $625. Space is limited. Contact us with questions about boots and helmets. We likely have a special gift card for Dover Saddlery in Latham!

Already have plans for April vacation? Check out our summer program opportunities or lesson program.

Williams Team member with Coach Lisa having some fun!

Happy New Year!

Thank you for a great 2019. Be sure to sign up for the WNEPHA Award Ceremony in February if you plan to attend.

2020 will bring some new friends, as a number of riders joined us at the end of the 2019 show season. It should be a fun show year. Keep in mind, we will be looking at the show schedules and need to identify as a farm, what shows we will attend. Please start speaking to Lisa now if you know you plan to join the GMHA, Northampton or other multi-day shows.

If you plan to lease for 2020 or for the summer of 2020, please let Lisa know immediately. Leases impact the number of spots available for the summer programs. We like to plan ahead.

Our summer program schedule is in the works and is dependent on the WNEPHA and other show schedules. Be in touch.

If you are looking to join spring lessons, please be sure to contact us in April to be sure to get on the schedule. The fall lesson schedule was extremely busy. Unfortunately, spots are not guaranteed.

Summer Programs Filling Fast

Please be sure to register very soon if you plan on joining us this summer for our week long and three day sessions. Space is VERY limited. Please keep in mind, our lesson program runs year round. If you are not able to join our summer programs, you may want to consider afternoon lessons.

Questions? Please email cdemayowall at gmail if you need any information.

We are excited that Tira’s foal has arrived and are anxiously awaiting Chiquita’s baby that is due in June. Stay tuned for more pictures.

2019 Summer Registration Available

Don’t wait! We have not made a full announcement and are two registrations from filling our August 19 Farm Program week. Find the registration on our Summer Programs page.

This summer has a mix of 3-day and 5 (full and half) day horse sessions and one week of our farm program. Our summer program schedule is built around the Bonnie Lea horse showing schedule. Keep in mind, afternoon lessons run year round, should our weeks not meet your schedule.

Save The Dates: Bonnie Lea Farm is holding our horse shows on Sunday, June 30 and Sunday, July 28. Spectators are welcome.


Every year we try to get the summer program schedule together as quickly as possible, but often the delay is due to nailing down the summer horse show schedule. Thanks for your patience!

Horse Program Weeks
June 25-29 (half and full day)
July 2-6 (Invitational – Adv. Beginner-Intermediate Only)
July 23-27 (Full Day only with Friday Show)
July 30-August 3 (Invitational – Advanced Riders Only)
August 13-17 (half and full day)

Farm Program Weeks
July 9-13
August 6-10
August 20-24
* Half Day from 9-Noon,  Full Day from 9-3 PM.
**Beginner Group Lessons are available during Farm weeks for additional fee.

To register, use this online form _ COMING SOON.
We hope you can join us!


Save the Dates:
July 1 – BLF Horse Show
August 5 – BLF Jumper Show