Holiday Warmth

One of the things loved most about BLF, is the family atmosphere. There are so many wonderful barn family members and today a few of them were having fun with their cameras. You know your horses are loved when they have already had their holiday photo shoot and have stockings hanging on their stall doors, yet their owners have not even written their shopping lists. Barn time, is far more important. Time with horses and fellow horse lovers is therapeutic.

cadence santa



In addition to horsemanship and riding experience, the reason that BLF is so therapeutic is that there are days I have been offered a hug, lent an ear, and had others listen to a current challenge in life. The best part of this amazing group of riders is that we all share in each others’ successes and losses in and out of the riding ring.  I am thankful for the amazing people that come to the barn every day and truly care about one another. During this winter season of Thanksgiving, joy and friendship, thank you to each of you who are part of the BLF Family.