Holiday Warmth

One of the things loved most about BLF, is the family atmosphere. There are so many wonderful barn family members and today a few of them were having fun with their cameras. You know your horses are loved when they have already had their holiday photo shoot and have stockings hanging on their stall doors, yet their owners have not even written their shopping lists. Barn time, is far more important. Time with horses and fellow horse lovers is therapeutic.

cadence santa



In addition to horsemanship and riding experience, the reason that BLF is so therapeutic is that there are days I have been offered a hug, lent an ear, and had others listen to a current challenge in life. The best part of this amazing group of riders is that we all share in each others’ successes and losses in and out of the riding ring.  I am thankful for the amazing people that come to the barn every day and truly care about one another. During this winter season of Thanksgiving, joy and friendship, thank you to each of you who are part of the BLF Family.

Join the IEA Team!


All Horse Riders

GRADES 6-12!


Bonnie Lea Farm will be starting an Interscholastic Equestrian Association Team this fall. The team will compete at horse shows in Zone 1 throughout the season with the possibility of competing at Regional, Zone, and National finals. We are looking for hunt seat riders in grades 6-12 who would like to join our IEA team. Please join us for an informational meeting.

Bonnie Lea Farm

Saturday, September 28th 

2 pm

The only pre-requisite to join the team is at least 1 year of professional instruction. For directions, please see our  Contact Page.


2 more weeks of Summer Camp

Back by popular demand!

Riding and Horsemanship Camp

Learn to get the best from lessons and every horse you ride!
August 12-16th ages 9-13
August 19-23rd (students that canter or learning to canter, ideal)
$500 per week
9am -3pm
Bring lunch, drinks, snacks.
For more details contact Lisa –
4 one 3 441 6349

Photo Tour

Here is a quick tour around Bonnie Lea Farm.


BLF Back Barn & Indoor Ring
BLF Back Barn & Indoor Ring








Greg Best Clinic
Greg Best Clinic


Lisa DeMayo teaching clinic at BLF.







Highland Cattle




2013-04-22 18.05.54
Highland Calf



BLF Hill Pasture
BLF Hill Pasture








Get Respect from the Ground!

Saturday, July 13, 2013
9am to noon

Get Respect from the Ground
Working with your horse in-hand can improve your ride. Come learn techniques to improve your relationship with your horse.

This clinic will help you:

  • Have a lighter horse at the end of your rope,
  • Make grooming easy,
  • Learn the body language & how to react,
  • Apply these things under saddle
  • And more.

$75 for the morning. Bring your horse (and tack) with you. Call Lisa if you need to borrow a horse for the clinic.

RSVP and Questions – email, respond on FB or call Lisa.
We hope to see you soon.

Early Entry Drawing

Please Note: Each entry form for horse/rider combination received by 5:00 pm on the Friday (June 28) prior to the horse show will be eligible for a drawing for a free day of show entries (aka no charge for your classes). One rider will be chosen at random, the morning of the show. The free day of show entries applies only to those entries received prior to 5 pm on Friday, June 28, 2013, and not those classes added the day of the show.

Please submit via mail, email (bonnieleafarm(at) or drop it off at the farm house mail box…Good Luck!

BLF Horse Show – June 30

BLF Horse Show

Sunday June 30, 2013

WNE-PHA Recognized

8:30am start

Judge: Kate Rakowski, ‘r’

Hartland, VT

Manager & Course Designer: Lisa DeMayo

Horse show documents are below. Each entry form for horse/rider combination received by 5:00 pm the Friday night (June28) prior to the horse show will be eligible for a drawing for a free day of show entries.  One rider will be chosen at random, the morning of the show. The free day of show entries applies only to those entries received prior to 5 pm Friday and not those classes added the day of the show.

Horse Show 2013 & Horse Show Entry Blank 2013

7am -8am Warm Up. 8am to 8:15 Cross-rail warm up.  (Late arrivals can warm up over fences in another location.)


The Barn Family Reunion!

Saturday, November 24 at 5:00pm

A few Bonnie Lea riders from the past thought it was about time we all got together for a reunion and they, with current riders are pulling it together.  Here are the details of the Saturday event they have put together. Please feel free to visit the FaceBook site Barn Reunion directly.

Where: Goodrich Hall on Williams campus (to the right of the creepy eyes!)In true barn spirit we are going to do a potluck, so please plan for something light and easy to navigate, that could feed 10-15 people (hey, perhaps you can get rid of some Thanksgiving leftovers!). Plates and silverware will be provided along with drinks and other goodies, but if your dish requires a serving utensil please bring it along. We will put up a list of what people sign up for so we have a good variety of dishes and not 20 of the same fruit salad!We are asking for $30 from each barn member/barn familyto cover all costs, and please feel free to bring family and significant others… there’s plenty of room! Please send money/checks to Brittainy Johnson or bring with you on night of event to collect.  Please see RSVP info below or sign up on the sheet at the barn.To keep the weekend going the DeMayos will be hosting a casual brunch at the farm on Sunday morning from 10-12, so feel free to stop by the barn, and don’t forget your muck boots!

Alyson McLean (nee Messina) has generously offered her time and talent to put together a slide show of photos over the years. So if you have a few pictures you can send them along here: alysonmclean33(at)gmail(dot)com with the headline “barn photos.” Mrs. D would also like to put together a book of memories, and would like all to write a favorite story about a horse—a funny event—a life changing moment— as well as a small bio about where they are now to bring for the book.

Please RSVP to brittainy.johnson(at)gmail(dot)com (or Facebook message) with the following information:

Name and number of people attending
Plan to attend the following: Saturday barn chores, Reunion, Brunch
What you plan to bring for potluck

We are all so excited and can’t wait for this weekend! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas.