At Bonnie Lea Farm, we know that learning to ride as a teen or adult can make one uncomfortable and self conscious – but no need to fear! Come join our special summer session and live your dreams.
Teen & Adult Beginner Week – July 14-18
This summer BLF is offering one special week solely for beginner riders, both teenaged and adult, that want to learn to ride or significantly improve their skills. This special session will help those hesitant or embarrassed to start riding in front of more experienced riders. By the end of the week, riders will be proficient in grooming, tacking up, mounting, dismounting and steering. Most riders will be able to trot, post to the trot and possibly even canter by the end of the week. Students will ride twice a day and learn how to handle horses from the ground and basic care. Students will audit a session of the Greg Best Clinic (Olympic Medalist) on Friday. Please see our 2014 BLF Horse Program for more details and Summer Program Registration.
Lease package includes a maximum of 7 rides including one mandatory lesson. Free rides must take place in the morning between 9am and Noon. $150 (including lesson)
Unrestricted free ride time, maximum of 7 rides including mandatory lesson. $200 (including lesson)
Please see Lisa or Cathy with questions and horse & rider match approval.
Need a gift for your favorite horse lover? Bonnie Lea Farm is offering special pricing for lesson package gift certificates. The lesson package includes one (1) half-hour private lesson and three (3) one-hour group lessons and the special gift certificate lesson package is $175. The private lesson gives the new or returning rider a chance to get comfortable or provides some extra one on time with the instructor for the current student. The group lessons are an hour in length and provide a great opportunity to learn from the instructors and other riders.
Of course giftcertificates are available in any amount towards lessons, instructed trail rides, pony rides and farm tours.
Contact us via this website or call (Four One Three) 441-6349 to arrange to pick up or have your gift certificate for your favorite horse lover mailed.
*** Special package pricing is available through January 15, 2014
One of the things loved most about BLF, is the family atmosphere. There are so many wonderful barn family members and today a few of them were having fun with their cameras. You know your horses are loved when they have already had their holiday photo shoot and have stockings hanging on their stall doors, yet their owners have not even written their shopping lists. Barn time, is far more important. Time with horses and fellow horse lovers is therapeutic.
In addition to horsemanship and riding experience, the reason that BLF is so therapeutic is that there are days I have been offered a hug, lent an ear, and had others listen to a current challenge in life. The best part of this amazing group of riders is that we all share in each others’ successes and losses in and out of the riding ring. I am thankful for the amazing people that come to the barn every day and truly care about one another. During this winter season of Thanksgiving, joy and friendship, thank you to each of you who are part of the BLF Family.
Bonnie Lea Farm will be starting an Interscholastic Equestrian Association Team this fall. The team will compete at horse shows in Zone 1 throughout the season with the possibility of competing at Regional, Zone, and National finals. We are looking for hunt seat riders in grades 6-12 who would like to join our IEA team. Please join us for an informational meeting.
Bonnie Lea Farm
Saturday, September 28th
2 pm
The only pre-requisite to join the team is at least 1 year of professional instruction. For directions, please see our Contact Page.
Please Note: Each entry form for horse/rider combination received by 5:00 pm on the Friday (June 28) prior to the horse show will be eligible for a drawing for a free day of show entries (aka no charge for your classes). One rider will be chosen at random, the morning of the show. The free day of show entries applies only to those entries received prior to 5 pm on Friday, June 28, 2013, and not those classes added the day of the show.
Please submit via mail, email (bonnieleafarm(at) or drop it off at the farm house mail box…Good Luck!